12 august, 2009

Status quo

Asta e starea actuala a familiei, expresia lui Oscar spune tot:)) Lumea ramane fara locuri de munca stabile, banii vin greu si putini iar de curand mi-am facut CV-ul din urma caruia rezulta ca nu stiu sa fac nimic:)) Pe langa asta, nu am job ca toata lumea, care s-a angajat pe relatii, ei bine eu nu am relatii si nici nu voi avea vreodata, desi in orasul asta fara relatii nu faci nimic. Inca nu mor de foame dar cica luna care vine se anunta nasoala, un motiv bun pentru a sta in casa sa desenez sau sa iesim la muzeul satului!! unde e liniste, frumos, ne jucam cu pisicute si desenam wtf :)) plus ca intrarea pentru studenti e moca 1.5 lei:)) Nu mai spun nimic ca nu mai am chef. Like ashes in the fall!

Versurile spun tot:

A mass of hands press on the market window
Ghosts of progress
Dressed in slow death
Feeding on hunger
And glaring through the promise
Upon the food that rots slowly in the aisle
A mass of nameless at the oasis
That hides the graves beneath the master's hill
Are buried for drinking
The rivers water while
Shackled to the the line at the empty well

This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over the new ground
This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over new ground

Listen to the facist sing
"Take hope here
War is elsewhere
You were chosen
This is Gods land
Soon we'll be free
Of blot and mixture
Seeds planted by our Forefathers hand"
A mass of promises
Begin to rupture
Like the pockets Of the new world kings
Like swollen stomachs In Appalachia
Like the priest that fucked you As he whispered holy things
A mass of tears have transform the stones now
Sharpened on suffering
And woven into the slings
Hope lies in the rubble of this rich fortress
Taking today what tomorrow never brings

This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over new ground
This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over the new ground
This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over the new ground
Ain't the new sound, just like the old sound
Look at the noose now, over the, over the, over the burning ground

Ain't it funny how the factory doors close
Round the time that the school doors close
Round the time that the doors of the jail cells
Open up to greet you like the reaper
Ain't its funny how the factory doors close
Round the time that the school doors close
Round the time that a hundred thousand jail cells
Open up to greet you like the reaper

Oh, oh
This is no oasis

This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over the new ground
This is the new sound, just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound, over the new ground

Like ashes in the fall
Like ashes in the fall
Like ashes in the fall

Un comentariu:

  1. dear diary,
    andrei s a suparat astazi pe mine asa k nu mai spune nik :(
    ma simt naspa!
    oare ce l a facut sa creada acele lucruri oribile despre mine?
    again ma simt naspa :(

    ps:intrarea lu muzeu chiar ar trebui sa fie moca (gen 0.00 lei) nu 1,5 lei.
